Words By Principal

I believe that Education is a life-long learning process of facilitating learning through acquisition of Knowledge, skills, values, belief, and habits, Vidyahi Paramo Gatithi means only education is the answer to convertices to virtues, weakness to strength from darkness to light of knowledge, from ignorance of blind beliefs to the elixir of truth & rationality of science through application and use of modern technology. We at Gateway International High School motivate and empower our students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society.

Academic excellence is our major thrust, Scholastic, and co-scholastic modules with innovative teaching methodologies, focus on critical thinking and learning through enquiry and reasoning are the major pedagogy styles adopted to facilitate continuous learning for all over personality development of the child. This helps them to face the challenges of tomorrow and encourage them to be socially relevant. The learning elements context, experience, reflection, action and evaluation amongst parents, students and teachers, bring in synergy and convergence to resolve what is tough and can be assimilated by students.

Therefore, Gateway International High School is the Gateway for Lighting the spark of creativity and curiosity among the children and converting every individual into a self-reliant and independent citizen, who will shoulder the responsibilities of the society. Come let us empower and transform our student into a proud enlightened candle that shows the path to humanity.